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Ibrahimović se izvinio navijačima Milana: Nije trebalo da šaljemo Fonseku pred novinare


Pokvareni jogurt

pre 2 meseca

Ibro smucio si mi se sa tvojim stavom i ponasanjem. Ponasas se kao da si Bog a sem igrackog kvaliteta ni jedan drugi ne posedujes . Odlazi iz Milana jer sa tobom nam ne gine borba za opstanak

bog kocke

pre 2 meseca

nazalost neki vrhunski fuzbaleri nikako da shvate da im je malo mnogo sto su rodjeni da budu bogovi nego im dosadno pa oce da budu obicne zadrte neznalice u nekim sferama o kojima imaju veze kao o heklanju ...covjece idi u oktagon ili neki stiven sigal spageti filmove ali batali se fudbala.. MALDINI PIOLI TONALI tri godine unazad njihovim ceranjem tvojim ustolicenjem ANARHIJA


pre 2 meseca

#Ibrahimović_out #Cardinale_out

gost 001

pre 2 meseca

Zlatan Ibrahimovic-Svedjanin???Jedno je biti drzavljanin jedne zemlje i vlasnik pasosa,a drugo je pitanje nacionalnosti.Zlatan Ibrahimovic nije Svedjanin,kao sto Aleksandar Pavlovic nije Nemac.Primera ima jos.Po toj logici,zasto ne kazes da je npr Adem Ljajic Srbin,ili Gelor Kanga??


pre 2 meseca

Adem Ljajic je srbin muslimanske veroispovesti.Mozda on sebe smatra bosnjakom i ako je tako i to je ok.Svi smo mi ovde isti narod koji je spletom istorijskih okolnosti sada razlicite vere i nacije..Neke je katolicka crkva odvojila,neke vizantija a neke osmanlije.Recimo da su albanci jedini dosli sa severa afrike i da samo oni nisu deo nase dnk


pre 2 meseca

Jel to igralo za sva 3 rivala najveća juventus,inter i milan to ne može biti čovek

Kako da ne

pre 2 meseca

Pozdravili su te Badjo, Pirlo i Sedorf.


pre 2 meseca

Los karakter

Ma nemoj

pre 2 meseca

Badjo, Sedorf?

Ma nemoj

pre 2 meseca

Na stranu npr. Vieira i Davids pa i Pirlo i Bonuci (dvojici ili trojici od cetvorice mozes naci manu), sta cemo sa R. Badjom i Vijerijem? Meaca? Serena?

Kako da ne & Ma nemoj

pre 2 meseca

Moja greska, ne Sedorf nego Davids.


pre 2 meseca

Maldini je bio motor I pogon u menadjmentu. Svi mars iz kluba, posebno ovaj tekvondo fajter. Na koje nivo pao tako veliki klub,i sve zbog takve Indijance...


pre 2 meseca

Napravili ste gresku?? Ma greska je sto ste ga angazovali, greska je I to sto imas ti tu funkciju.


pre 2 meseca

Ibri je bolje zbog imidza da se povuce iz ove price i da podnese ostavku, ovde je zrtveno jagnje, a ne zna posao. Ne trebaju mu pare da bi ovo radio zbog para, neka se baci u trenerske vode mozda mu to bude islo bolje

Nista od toga

pre 2 meseca

Rekao je da ne zeli da bude trener i da mu ne pada na pamet da se time bavi.


pre 2 meseca

Ove zime? Malo toga u Milanu valja vec 12 i po godina, a u poslednje 2 i po godine je dosta toga cak i kulminiralo :-(


pre 2 meseca

Rekose nekada davno da je potrebno nekoliko godina da se napravi dobar igrac a duplo vise da se napravi dobar funkcioner,nije dovoljno samo skinuti kopacke i obuci odelo i misliti da sve znas samo zato sto si bio vrhunski igrac!


pre 2 meseca

Ali ono Milan je sada toliko jak da je nerešeno protiv Rome neuspeh. Ne zivi se od stare slave i nerešen rezulatat ovo Milana protiv Rome nije nikakav neuspeh.

ZL 1899

pre 2 meseca

Curva Sud Milano on Instagram: Today, for you, Milan is nothing more than a brand to exploit, implementing strategies aimed solely at developing the brand to achieve significant financial results, at the expense of sporting success, which is no longer your priority. With the additional burden of not knowing the history of this club, the players who wrote unforgettable pages wearing our jersey, and the unforgivable absence of the ownership at the 125th anniversary celebration. A management team can no longer be credible after spending an entire summer boasting about being firmly convinced by the Fonseca project (while providing the coach with most of the signings only at the end of the transfer window). When we now discover the inclusion of a clause linked to a possible dismissal within the first six months, which automatically voids the remaining years of the contract, it becomes evident that the choice of Fonseca was merely a fallback option. We are witnessing an ownership that is trying in every way to "Americanize" Italy’s most glorious club, proposing outrageous initiatives such as selling the 125th-anniversary jerseys for €1899 or launching them into the stands during halftime to "win over" the fans. Someone’s dream is to have 75,000 customers at San Siro to exploit at every match, treating them like puppets, with no regard for the organized fanbase and all those who have followed these colors everywhere for years, making sacrifices. Not to mention the issue of the mini-pack tickets, something unheard of even in amateur leagues. Incompetent not only in the figures managing the sporting side but also in those handling the commercial side connected to us fans, it’s important to highlight all the shortcomings of a club in the hands of individuals whose incompetence is staggering. Last night, we witnessed a situation that unfolded in a surreal, almost unbelievable, and certainly unacceptable manner for the prestige and history of our glorious colors. This is not about the coach's dismissal, which, while predictable, is neither the first nor the last. What leaves us shocked and bewildered are the methods by which this happened: how can it be acceptable that the coach himself is the one to inform the media that he has been sacked? Without the club issuing an official statement, or even worse, without any of its executives (starting with the big boss) stepping forward in a press conference to announce it officially, compounded by the fact that the decision was clearly made days ago? And we could still write pages and pages. But now that you’ve found your scapegoat (because you were the ones who chose him), who, while not being up to the situation from a sporting standpoint, has proven to be much more serious and more of a man than you, who abandoned him as early as August. Follow his path as soon as possible and free Milan from the mediocrity to which you have reduced it...


pre 2 meseca

Dobra ali zakasnela izjava. Trebali su stati uz svoju legendu kad su ga onako vlasnici tretirali i otpustili. Ovako su samo saucesnici..


pre 2 meseca

Ne postoje veci licemeri na svetu od organizovanih navijackih grupa, cak i da su u pravu ovde, oni ce nekom da pricaju o postovanju, i kako se rade stvari, a legendi poput Maldinija zvizdali na oprostaju i okacili transparent kako postoji samo jedan kapiten - Barezi.